Summer Adventure Program

Summer is a wonderful time for children of all ages, when life feels a little more relaxed and rules are a tiny bit easier to abide. Learning continues at Little Friends Preschool with adventures indoors and outside, excitement in ways that new and different from the regular school year. Our philosophy of learning through play permeates the five weeks of the Summer Adventure Program.
Facts about the Summer Adventure Program
- Summer Adventure Program is available to all registered Little Friends children.
- Age-appropriate learning and adventure activities take place each day. The routine will feel familiar and comfortable to those who participate.
- The ratio of students to teacher are the same as for the regular school year.
Summer Adventure Program Hours
- Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
- There is no extended day available during the summer
About Our Summer Adventure Program
Little Friends Preschool Summer Adventure Program is fun-filled, action-packed days in a familiar setting with comfortable procedures and customary actions, but more informal, less structured, and deliberately planned for FUN. Each week has a theme, such as
- "Where in the Great Outdoors Can You Find..."
- "Blasting Into Space"
- “Celebrating the Fourth of July”
While there is a sense of summertime excitement and adventure, we include learning, caring for others, and respect for each other in the lessons, making the weeks for the children very special.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to register my child for the “Summer Adventures” Program?
If your child is already enrolled at Little Friends, you do not need to re-register your child. If you child is not already enrolled, you do need to register your child.
May I walk my child to class?
You may walk them into the main building and to the door of the classroom area, where your child’s teacher will meet you and take your child to their classroom to see the other children.
What other things besides daily snack and lunch do I need to send with my child?
A list of items for the Preschool children may be found in Supplies.
What if I am late getting my child to the Summer Program?
Little Friends Preschool uses the ProCare phone app for phones, so you can let us know immediately. If we do not hear from you by 10:00 am at the latest, DCF mandates that we report the absence immediately, and they begin an investigation into the child’s absence.
Although my child is toilet-trained, what if they have an accident while at school?
ne of the items on the required list of supplies is a change of clothes for this very situation.
Will my child have a rest period every day?
Yes. The children have “nap time” every day after lunch.
What Parents are Saying...
Jennifer Saar
Now Accepting Applications
Little Friends would love to have your son or daughter join us for the upcoming school year. Space is limited, so please apply.