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The Annual Fund
Make a Critical Difference
Our tuition fully covers our beloved school’s basic operating expenses. Still, it’s the love gifts and the generosity of parents and grandparents and friends and supporters that make the critical difference, that lubricate the wheels of this well-managed, top-of-the-line preschool to make it run even better. Such support allows us to elevate the preschool to the highest level possible.
Help Expand Learning
The Little Friends Preschool Annual Fund is the primary and most versatile vehicle for which gifts are very welcome, and is the fund to which most choose to give. Everyone is invited to participate – parents, alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, the board of directors, friends, and supporters of the school. Giving to this fund helps Little Friends Preschool maintain the exceptional principles that make our school outstanding. Little Friends Preschool doesn’t need subsidizing – your gifts help us to expand learning, to add new resources, and to give financial aid when it is needed. The Annual Fund assists in all of those goals.
Ways to Give
There are many ways that you may give. You may make a one-time gift, you may make a recurring gift, such as to the Annual Fund, you may support the Fund-Raisers when they occur, and you may make a tribute gift that honors someone special or memorializes a loved one. You may make a corporate gift, too, if you are in an interested business – we LOVE our business partners!
Frequently Asked Questions about Donations
Are contributions deductible for income tax purposes?
Yes. Little Friends Preschool is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization, and all donations are fully tax deductible.
How are donations spent?
Every penny raised by Little Friends Preschool is spent on the children and educational materials. Nothing is spent on salaries or for any other reason than those directly related to the children’s education and development.
How will I know that my money is truly accountable and that Little Friends Preschool will do what it says it will do?
Trust is a big part of any partnership, such as the one Little Friends Preschool has with its parents and supporters. We maintain meticulous records of all revenue and expenditures and we report our financial condition to the federal government each year by filing a Form 990 which is prepared by our Certified Public Accountant and which we certify as accurate and complete. More importantly, we make our annual Form 990 available to the public by posting it on our website, where you may see all the details.
How much should I give?
Every gift makes a difference in the education of the children to whom you are giving. The most significant gift to us is the gift that is significant to you.
How will I know what you have done with my gift?
You may rest assured that every dollar you give will be used for the children’s educational materials and development – your gift will not be used for routine operating expenses such as salaries or maintenance of the facilities.
Will I get a receipt for my gift and for my tax return?
Yes, a printed receipt will be mailed to you at your address when the donation is made. This receipt will meet all IRS requirements.
What Parents are Saying...
Chris Folds